

青法平台 青法在线 2023-01-05



Uncle Sam v Huawei

Chip wars

A new escalation in the tech conflict illustrates the limits of American power.


Escalation:n. 增加;扩大;逐步上升

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. A year ago America forbade its high-tech companies from selling to Huawei, a Chinese maker of smartphones and mobile-network infrastructure.


Infrastructure:n. 基础设施;公共建设;下部构造

American officials worry that Huawei-powered phone networks could aid Chinese spying (something the firm denies), and about China’s growing technological prowess more generally. But the embargo turned out to be puny. Loopholes allowed American firms to carry on supplying Huawei from overseas factories. The Chinese firm’s revenues rose by 19% in 2019, to $123bn. Thanks to its efforts to stockpile parts, its purchases from American suppliers rose by 70%, to $19bn.


Spy:v. 从事间谍活动;突然看见;认出;n. 间谍;密探

spying N-UNCOUNT 从事间谍活动

spy on秘密监视

例句:That day he spied on her while pretending to work on the shrubs. 那天他假装修剪灌木,却秘密地监视着她。

Embargo:n. 禁止,贸易禁运;禁令;封港令

Puny:adj. 弱小的; 孱弱的; 不起眼的; 可怜的; 微不足道的

Loophole:n. 漏洞;枪眼

Revenue:n. 税收收入;财政收入;收益

Stockpile:n. 库存;积蓄;vt. 贮存;储蓄;vi. 积累;储备物资

On May 15th America tried a different tack. It announced new rules that target Huawei’s in-house microchips, which power many of the firm’s products. The rules are aimed at the factories that take such designs and turn them into working silicon, such as those owned by TSMC in Taiwan and SMIC in China. They specify that no American tools can be used to make Huawei’s products. Since every big chipmaker uses some American tools, the effect is to freeze Huawei out completely. The Chinese giant denounced a “pernicious” decision that “threatens to undermine the entire industry worldwide”.


Microchip:n. 微型集成电路片,微芯片

Silicon:n. [化学] 硅;硅元素

TSMC:abbr. 台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company)

SMIC:abbr. 中芯国际(Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation)

Specify:vt. 指定;详细说明;列举;把…列入说明书

Freeze out: 排挤;逐出;挤对

例句:Other traders did everything they could to freeze us out of the business. 其他商人则想方设法地要把我们排挤出这个生意圈。

Giant:n. 大公司;巨人;adj. 巨大的;巨人般的;伟大的

Pernicious:adj. 有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的

The microchip is an American invention. But the chipmaking business has gone global. These days the dozen biggest semiconductor firms make only 27% of their sales in America. Just 20% of their plant is physically based there. Huawei evaded the worst effects of America’s original blacklist by switching suppliers and buying from non-American factories. The new measures focus on a bottleneck instead: a cohort of American-based chip-equipment firms whose products lack substitutes.


Evade:vt.&vi. 逃避;规避;逃脱

Blacklist:n. 黑名单

Bottleneck:n. 瓶颈;障碍物

Cohort:n. 一群;步兵大队;支持者;同生群

Huawei has said its survival is at stake. Markets are more sanguine. The price of its bonds, which are traded in Hong Kong, barely dipped. It has spent the past year beefing up its large cash buffers and inventories. Now a hunt will begin for a new way to sidestep the rules. China’s long-term project to build up its own chip industry, of which Huawei is a vital part, will be seen as more important than ever. On May 15th SMIC, which is China’s biggest chipmaker, said it had raised $2bn from state investors and planned to increase its capacity in China six-fold.


Sanguine:adj. 乐观的;满怀希望的;面色红润的

Beef up: 加强,充实

例句:The company has plans to beef up its production.


Sidestep: v. 回避,规避(问题等) 

The episode will have broader consequences for the tech industry. China could retaliate by hobbling American tech firms that make money on the mainland, including Apple. And as the decoupling of America and China accelerates, tech firms that straddle the two are experimenting with ways to try to keep both sides happy. On May 15th TSMC said it would build a $12bn chip plant in Arizona. Four days later ByteDance, a Chinese social-media giant, said that it had appointed Kevin Mayer, a Disney executive, to run TikTok, its most popular app. Having an American in charge may ease worries in Washington about a Chinese app that is in- stalled on millions of American smartphones.

这一事件将对科技行业产生更广泛的影响。中国可能会对包括苹果在内的在大陆赚钱的美国科技公司采取报复性的限制措施。随着中美脱钩加速,横跨两国的科技公司正在尝试各种方法,试图让双方都满意。5月15日,台积电(TSMC)表示,将在亚利桑那州建立一家价值120亿美元的芯片厂。四天后,中国社交媒体巨头字节跳动表示,已任命迪士尼高管凯文•迈耶(Kevin Mayer)运营公司旗下最受欢迎的应用程序抖音。由一个美国人管理可能会缓解美国政府对一个被安装在数以百万计的美国智能手机上的中国应用程序的担忧。

Retaliate:vi. 报复;回敬;vt. 报复


例句:The poverty of 10 million citizens not only demeans our society but its cost also hobbles our economy.


Decoupling:N. 关联系统分离

Straddle:v. 跨越

The tech war is guaranteed to make the chip industry less efficient. The big question is whether using technological clout ends up undermining the very American dominance that gives rise to it. No one knows how vital American chipmaking technology really is, because until now there has been no reason to find out. Many governments are wary of China’s power. But they may chafe at American policies that tell their firms who they are allowed to do business with. They may even conclude that wriggling out from under such restrictions by shunning American suppliers is worth a try.


Clout:n. 破布;敲打;影响力;势力

Wary:adj. 谨慎的;机警的;惟恐的;考虑周到的

·are wary of:提防;小心

例句:People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.  人们以前没教过自己的孩子们要提防陌生人。

Chafe:vt. 擦破;擦热;擦痛;激怒vi. 擦伤;磨擦;激怒

·chafe at:恼火

例句:He had chafed at having to take orders from another.


Wriggle:vi. 蠕动;蜿蜒而行

·wriggle out from 设法从……逃避

Shun:vt. 避开,避免;回避

This has, after all, happened before. The aerospace industry is another high-tech business that America jealously guards. The hassle of complying with draconian export rules has proved a selling-point for products that contain no American technology—“ITAR-free”, in the jargon. America’s hawks plainly think that the chance to spike Huawei’s guns, and to slow China’s technological development, is worth that long-term risk.


Jealously:adv. 尽力地,努力地;嫉妒地

Hassle:n. 困难;分歧;起哄

Draconian:adj. 严厉的,苛刻的

Jargon:n. 行话,术语

Hawk:n. 鹰;鹰派人物;掠夺的人

Spike sb's guns: 打乱(某人)的计划

例句:We wanted to build an extra room onto the side of our house, but our neighbours spiked our guns.


推荐阅读:Huawei turns to mobile chip rivals to beat US pressure











本文责编 ✎ 金钟罩

本期编辑 ✎ Ben

