
重庆市巴蜀中学校 2018-06-07












▲ 高2019届10班蔡元嘉发言


▲ 高2020届1班黄郁微发言






Thank you Mr. President. Madame Secretary General, Distinguished Guests, Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen. Good evening.


As Charles Dickens wrote in his novel A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Such is the world we live in. On the one hand, we’re blessed with material wealth and enjoy the abundance of human civilization. On the other hand, terrorism and regional conflicts still pose a threat to the human race. Though we have had such glorious pasts, we only have one future. That is why we’re all here today.


Canada pursues peace based on multiculturalism. Gillis Parqui, a scholar in the University of Ottawa, has pointed out that, “Multiculturalism is the label of many things in Canada: it describes our multi-ethnic cultural mosaic, which represents the policies of the federal government, specifically an of cultural diversity.” Owing to multiculturalism, our policy emphasizes independence and equality together with amicability and peace.


This kind of amicability and peace is visible when the international community is in crisis, and the Canadian government always stands out, playing the role of a mediator, requesting conflicting sides to settle their differences in peaceful ways. Consequently, we hereby urge all member states to bear in mind that no solution other than peaceful talks and negotiations can truly solve the problem. Canada also makes an unshakable stand against any unilateral military strike against any member states without sanction of the UN Security Council. It is a violation against UN Charter and will cause the other side to retaliate, only to worsen the situation. Last but not least, Canada emphasizes the importance of applying multilateral mechanisms in global governance, which prioritizes the protection of the cultural development of all countries form being violated by hegemonism and cultural colonialism.


Delegates, ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today to address and debate international issues. And I believe many of us are, and will be aware that the only way to sustain peace is by peaceful means. And we are here to make it happen.


Thank you.





Thank you Mr. President! Madam Secretary General, dear delegates, good evening! This is my second WIMUN experience. I had a wonderful time last year, and it is a great honor for me to be here today to give the speech at the WIMUN 2018 GA Plenary.


In retrospect, Egypt has experienced the destruction of war, so we know the value of peace. Today, peace is not only the aspiration of all the Egyptian people, but also the common pursuit of people from all over the world. As Africa's third largest economy, Egypt has the capacity to contribute more to the cause of peace worldwide.


Short-term peace is easy, but long-term peacekeeping isn’t. The structures, attitudes and institutions that underpin peace are important factors that affect it. In recent years, Egypt has been working hard to seek peaceful policies that are in line with our national conditions. Across different agencies, governmental and non-governmental, Egypt makes peace-keeping a priority. But to achieve universal peace, Egypt's effort is only a drop in the ocean and requires the concerted efforts of all countries around the world.


We are expected to commit ourselves to adhering to treaties and conventions that we’ve signed and ratified, thereby achieving lasting peace. For example, the Charter of the United Nations, the Geneva Convention, the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, and so on. These treaties and conventions have played an important role in promoting global peace. That’s why they’ve been important in playing that role. However, it is undeniable that peace dependent on hard terms is fragile.Thus, it requires the sincere attitude and full cooperation of countries and organizations to achieve true peace.


No matter how difficult it is,Egypt will always be a pioneer, not just for the benefit of people in Egypt, but also for the interest of people all over the world.





祝 贺


供稿|巴蜀模联指导老师 范晓东  雷廷  孙一民


编辑|刘会兰  杨梅(实习)

审校|戴金洪  刘欣



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