
Legislative Updates (Issue 56) | 法宝双语新闻

Mani 北大法律信息网 2020-09-20





1. 《关于做好易地扶贫搬迁就业帮扶工作的通知》发布




1. Notice on Providing Assistance and Support for Employment in the Relocation of the People Living in Inhospitable Areas

On May 23, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development jointly issued the Notice on Providing Assistance and Support for Employment in the Relocation of the People Living in Inhospitable Areas.

According to the Notice, all localities should regard relocated people at or above the age of 16 who have labor capacity, especially the registered indigent labor force, as priority groups, and resettlement areas of small towns and industrial parks, especially “three regions and three prefectures” (Tibet, four prefectures in southern Xinjiang, Tibetan regions in Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and Gansu, and Linxia prefecture, Liangshan prefecture, Nujiang prefecture) and other resettlement areas in seriously poverty-stricken counties, and large-scale resettlement areas of 800 people or above should be regarded as key areas.

The Notice sets forth a series of specific measures in three aspects: broadening various channels for employment opportunities, providing vocational skills training on a large scale, and implementing territorial employment services administration.

2. 银保监会开展“巩固治乱象成果 促进合规建设”工作

5月8日,银保监会印发《关于开展“巩固治乱象成果 促进合规建设”工作的通知》。



2. CBIRC to Launch the Consolidation of Chaos Rectification Achievements and Promotion of Compliance Construction

On May 8, 2019, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) issued the Notice on Launching the Work of Consolidating the Achievements in Rectification of Chaotic Practices and Promoting the Compliance Construction.

According to the Notice, three targets to be achieved through great rectification efforts in 2019 include: investigating and punishing the violations committed repeatedly after repeated inspections and eliminating existing chaotic practices for the new achievements made in accelerating the compliance construction of banking and insurance institutions; investigating and punishing major risks and containing increments for the new progress made in promoting the ecological restoration of the banking and insurance industries; and advancing the financial supply-side structural reform for the new breakthroughs achieved in realizing the high-quality development and raising the level and capability of serving the real economy.

Four tasks of the rectification work in 2019 under the Notice cover: laying a solid ideological foundation for the chaos rectification; consolidating chaos rectification achievements; continuing to promote the rectification of issues in key areas; and carrying out the construction of strong internal control and regulatory compliance.

3. 《环境损害司法鉴定执业分类规定》发布




3. Classified Provisions on the Forensic Evaluation Practices of Environmental Damage Issued

May 6, 2019, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued the Classified Provisions on the Forensic Evaluation Practices of Environmental Damage.

With a total of eight chapters, the Provisions subdivide the seven categories of identification of pollutant nature, air pollution, surface water and sediment, soil and groundwater, offshore seas and coastal zones, ecosystem, and other environmental damage into 47 practicing categories. The Provisions further specify the practicing scope of evaluation institutions and forensic experts, regulate the practicing activities, provide the policy support for standardizing the administration of the forensic evaluation institutions and forensic experts of environmental damage, and make the administration of the forensic evaluation of environmental damage more well-regulated and scientific.

Meanwhile, the Provisions clearly define such key issues as the identification of the damage caused by air pollution to the ecosystem, the damage to animals and plants, the damage of certain degree to human health, and the soil ecosystem damage resulting from environmental pollution activities.

4. 《关于车辆购置税有关具体政策的公告》发布




4. Announcement on Specific Policies for Vehicle Acquisition Tax Issued

On May 23, 2019, the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration jointly issued the Announcement on the Relevant Specific Policies for Vehicle Acquisition Tax, which should be implemented on July 1, 2019.

According to the Announcement, the taxable price of a taxable vehicle manufactured by a taxpayer itself for its own use should be determined according to the sales price of taxable vehicles of the same type (i.e. the vehicles with the same vehicle configuration serial number), excluding the value-added tax; and if there is no sales price of similar taxable vehicles, it should be determined based on the composite taxable price.

In addition, the Announcement clearly states that the time of occurrence of an obligation to pay the vehicle acquisition tax is the time indicated on the relevant vehicle document obtained by a taxpayer when acquiring the taxable vehicle. Where a vehicle that has undergone tax reduction or exemption formalities is no longer in the scope of tax exemption or reduction due to a transfer or a change of purpose, the taxpayer, the time of concurrence of an obligation to pay tax, and the tax payable should be adjusted and implemented according to provisions. Where a taxpayer applies for the refund of the vehicle acquisition tax because the relevant vehicle on which the vehicle acquisition tax has been levied has been returned to its manufacturing or sales enterprises, the refundable tax should be calculated according to the formula.

5. 《关于保险资金参与信用风险缓释工具和信用保护工具业务的通知》发布



5. Notice on the Participation of Insurance Funds in the Business of Credit Risk Mitigation Instruments and Credit Protection Instruments Issued

On May 7, 2019, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) issued the Notice on the Participation of Insurance Funds in the Business of Credit Risk Mitigation Instruments and Credit Protection Instruments.

With a total of seven articles, the Notice mainly includes the following: first, the participating purpose is clarified that the participation of insurance funds in the business of credit derivatives is only for hedging risks, and no insurance institution may act as a party undertaking credit risks; second, the qualifications of the participating party is specified that insurance institutions must have the ability to use derivatives and manage credit risks to participate in the business of credit derivatives; third, the dual standard principles of “regulation + business” should be followed in conducting the business, which contain the provisions of the CBIRC on the supervision and administration of the trading of financial derivatives, as well as the business rules of the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange; fourth, insurance institutions should develop appropriate management rules and operating procedures, monitor and evaluate risks on a regular basis, and submit the monthly, quarterly and annual reports to the CBIRC so as to strengthen the risk management.

6. 《关于接管包商银行股份有限公司的公告》发布




6. Announcement on Taking Over Baoshang Bank Issued

On May 24, 2019, the People's Bank of China (PBC) and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) jointly issued the Announcement on Taking Over Baoshang Bank Co., Ltd..

The Announcement points out that given serious credit risk arising in Baoshang Bank Co., Ltd., in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of depositors and other customers, the CBIRC decides to take over Baoshang Bank for one year from May 24, 2019 in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks.

According to the Announcement, the takeover group should be established by the PBC and CBIRC in conjunction with parties concerned. From the date of takeover, the takeover group fully exercises the business management right of Boshang Bank, and entrusts the China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. with the custody of Baoshang Bank's business. After the takeover, Baoshang Bank operates normally, and the customer's business is handled as usual, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of bank depositors and other customers as legally required.




Legislative Updates (Issue 55) 

Legislative Updates (Issue 54)

Legislative Updates (Issue 53) 

Legislative Updates (Issue 52) 



